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Who told you?

We were never created to know what shame feels like.

If we don’t believe what God says we will believe the lies of the enemy, we believe what the world tells us. The lies that the world tells us introduces us to shame. Lies and shame began with Adam and Eve.

After Adam and Eve fell into the lies of the enemy, for the very first time, mankind knew shame.

“He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”

Genesis 3:10-11

The way we come to not just know but believe the truth of who God says we are, is through His Word. Our Father meets us where we are, soaked and swollen in the lies we’ve absorbed from this world and as a Father missing and hurting for His child, He asks us, “who told you?”

Who told you these lies that you believe about yourself? Who told you the lies that introduced you to shame?

If you’re not listening to God, you’re listening to lies. Dive into His Word and soak in the truth that conquers every lie. Let these truths marinate in your heart and become not just who God says you are, but who you say you are.

Shame has no place in the identity of a child of the King.

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ”

Romans 10:17

Your Heavenly Father meets you in the shadow of your hiding and calls to you, looking for you...”where are you? Where’d you go? Who told you?”

Locate the lies you believe. Find them and replace them with the Truth. Come out of the hiding that shame deceives you into...the shame you feel. The shame you were never intended to know. We are intended to be unashamed by the truth of who our Heavenly Father says we are.

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